Thursday, December 17, 2009

Back to the Drawing Board...

...again. The current script I'm working on has proven to be quite frustrating. So far I haven't been able to find my "in" to the story and keep having to rework the opening because if it doesn't feel right, I can't go on with the rest. Hopefully have it figured out now, though. So that's how I'm going to be spending my day. What are you doing? Let me know so I can live vicariously something other than sitting at a desk all day.

Started on the 3rd draft of the zombie script yesterday. Finally seeing The Bunnyman in it's completed form has really helped me in seeing the shortcomings of the zombie script. Cut out a lot of lines already. Weren't bad, just repetitive that I didn't notice before. Going to be a much tighter script when I'm done. Mostly editing and polishing right now, but once I get to the second half, going to be a total rewrite and you probably won't hear from me for a few days.

I posted this:

I haven't seen Cars, but from your description I'd say the evil alien cars have human slaves hidden underground. That would explain the binders, neon lights, tires, etc. But since Pixar can't show human slavery, the left that part out of the movie, and as you pointed out, a huge gaping hole in the movie.

Never realized that about Signs. I feel so cheated now!

to James Gunn's blog today

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